31 March 2008

Revolution March - "Ozarks Express" update

Bureaucracy is an evil thing, a ravenous consumer of productivity and resources, and a destroyer of hope.

For over 6 weeks, the Washington D.C. parks and recreation division permit department has held the "Ron Paul Revolution March" in limbo.

The public response has been predictable: Outrage, but little action. Some are suggesting that permits be dammed, we all show up on June 21st "unorganized" and sans papers. Others are suggesting that such "lawless" behavior would be counter-productive and Ron Paul would likely not participate in such an event.

The bureaucrats think that people in this situation will get their hackles up, turn on each other like wild animals, and the whole idea will eventually fall apart. Are they right? Time will tell.

Still others are suggesting that the "Tax Day" / "Freedom Rally" - which was planned (and issued permits) many. many months ago - long before Ron Paul suggested the whole "Grand March" - is the best thing going right now.

For more details about the current situation:

Ron Paul Forums: March on Washington

Revolution March

Tax Day / Freedom Rally

I don't know how many thousands of people are planning on attending any of these events, but I do believe that as of now, far too few are likely to attend to gain any real attention. The anti-war protests in D.C. last January drew about a half-million persons, yet the Elitist MainStream Media gave it little more than a passing glance - as that protest apparently didn't suit their agenda at the time.

Due to the successful delay tactics and fracturing of support, it is extremely unlikely we will see anything close to 500,000 people attending any of the currently scheduled events. (I do hope I'm wrong, but I really don't believe that I am.) You can rest assured that the evil MSM will mention nothing good about a "relatively small" (under a million participants) protest march that is connected with Ron Paul. The best thing about the idea for such a single big "million person march" was that it would have helped buoy up support among the Ron Paul Revolutionaries... But now even that possible result has been diminished.

This past month, I ran a Pledgebank.com pledge that if at least 10 other people signed up for the pledge to share a chartered bus to Ron Paul's "Grand March" - I'd arrange the trip and go with them.

The deadline just passed... Sunday at midnight. Only 7 people pledged, falling 3 short of the goal.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to those of you reading this who did sign up. Taking the pledge was no small gesture and showed courage and commitment. Thank You.

And to the hundred or so others that knew about the pledge, but decided not to take it, I do understand your myriad of different points about why you declined, and that's OK too. No hard feelings, we all have our reasons.

My question is: What are YOU going to do now?

Will you give up all hope - throw up your hands - accept a fiat dollar that has lost 96% of its value in the past century - accept $4.00/gal. fuel while the fat oil cats grow even fatter - accept "REAL ID" and carry your papers with you at all times - maybe even plant some of those RFID's that started out for the NAIS cattle program into your own body (you know, for YOUR protection!) - will you give up any and all essential liberties for the temporary illusion of security?

Or will you do something - anything - to rage against the machine, draw a line in the Ozark gravel and say to the Elitist Balrogs: "This Line You Shall NOT Pass!"

The "Ozark Express" was an idea. But as with all ideas, if it doesn't suit the time and the need, it should be modified, or cast aside in exchange for something better.

There are currently plenty of good and worthy efforts underway to continue the rEVOLution. Some liberty-loving and constitutionally-knowledgeable people from our Meetup groups are running for local office, and that is a good and noble effort that could benefit from your volunteer support. Some are working to reform the Republican party from within, while others are bypassing the political process and devising other more direct actions to effect change. What you choose to do is up to you, but don't let it be said that you did nothing.

And along those lines, I don't wish to discourage anyone from going to any of the various national rallies/marches/protests, if that is what you'd like to do and you see some benefit to it that I have overlooked.

If any of you wish to take up the task of organizing such a trip yourself, contact me and I'll pass along the research and contacts that I spent many hours collecting. Who knows, I may even go with you, but I'm not making any more promises. I intend to focus my efforts on actions that have more immediate and tangible results.

But that's just what I'm doing. How about you?


Granny Warrior said...

Thank you for mentioning the Freedom Rally. We have worked very hard to put together a great event.

We were lucky as we got in under the wire before Ron ever made that video about having a march so we got our permits without a problem.

Please encourage your readers to attend this rally as it may very well be the last event we are allowed to have in the DC area due to the more and more restrictive Homeland Security edicts. We have to show our numbers and demand our Constitutional rights be returned.

for more information on the rally go to: www.freedomrally.info or www.grannywarriors.com/freedom.htm

Granny Warrior said...

Thank you for mentioning the Freedom Rally. We have worked very hard to put together a great event.

We were lucky as we got in under the wire before Ron ever made that video about having a march so we got our permits without a problem.

Please encourage your readers to attend this rally as it may very well be the last event we are allowed to have in the DC area due to the more and more restrictive Homeland Security edicts. We have to show our numbers and demand our Constitutional rights be returned.

for more information on the rally go to: www.freedomrally.info or www.grannywarriors.com/freedom.htm